
Star Kriya

Discover the secret to ultimate health and spiritual connection. Imagine merging the powerful vibrations of Aums with the incredible Star Kriya technique. Be prepared for a transformative journey that will balance your physical, energetic, and emotional bodies. Experience the harmonizing effects of Aums’ vibration and frequency, while the Star Kriya creates the divine golden ratio […]

Genres: Drama

Warmup Ritual

Begin your day with a revitalizing yoga breathwork series designed to open your body and mind. This practice will leave you feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to embrace a beautiful day. Or better yet, you'll feel absolutely radiant after completing this set.


Stand in your power

Unlock the power of your body and align with the magnetic and electromagnetic frequencies around you. This transformative yoga practice is designed to create ultimate balance and harmony within, leaving you feeling deeply connected, centered, and at peace. Experience a profound shift that will resonate throughout your entire being

Genres: Horror
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    This is a fundamental back series to heal your back. If you do this Kriya everyday for 40 days you will see and feel a difference in how your energy level and your back more flexible and free. In India you measure your age on how flexible your spine is so this brings also youth to your being.

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